Event Secretary

Self Managed & Scoring

Some clubs will have a member who has the expertise and time to manage the event and possibly score the event. Event Secretary are always available to help you.

Manage event

Our online training will help you navigate the system with each of the tasks you will need to do.

  • Modify competitor details
  • Substitute competitors
  • Refund competitors
  • Design a schedule
  • Allocate combinations to times
  • Generate print-outs for Marshals, Judges, Gear Check, Office, etc

Cost $1.21 per combination

Score event

Scoring may seem like a complicated unsolvable problem, but we have taken out most of the work and complication.

If you want your results to come out in a timely manner, then you will need a dedicated person for enter results.

Your volunteer will enter the scores into the system and the results will magically appear on our live scoring.

Cost $176 per day